Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Lemon Detox Diet - How To Get It Right!

So you want to detox, lose weight and clear out your digestive tract.

You've done your homework, explored the myriad of detox options out there and decided that the lemon detox looks like the one for you.

Maybe you heard about Beyonce's success in losing weight on the program?

Perhaps you've been impressed by what you've read on forums and bulletin boards? Or maybe a friend recommended it to you?

Whatever your situation, if you're going take the time, effort and considerable commitment to do the detox, you want to know that you're going to get the best possible results from it.

In order to do this effectively you only really need to follow a 3 basic rules: 
Eat no solid food for 10 days (or as long as you choose to do the fast for) 
Only consume a drink made from freshly squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water 
Use a mild laxative every day to aid waste elimination 
There are other tips and tricks that can be used to help make the program more effective or easier. These will change from person to person and who you listen to, but the 3 rules above are fundamental to your success - so don't break them!

Originally the lemon detox was known as the Master Cleanse or Master Cleanser, for the simple reason it was designed with the express purpose of cleansing the entire body.

To do this effectively you need to make sure your lemon detox diet recipe is correct.

The Lemon Detox Diet Recipe Ingredients

To Make 1 Glass (295ml/10 oz) 
2 tablespoons lemon juice (approx. 1⁄2 lemon), organic if possible 
2 tablespoons grade B maple syrup, organic if possible 
1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper or to taste 
230 ml/8 oz filtered water, room temperature 
Put all the ingredients into a food processor, or into or a bottle or jar with a lid, mix it and it's ready to drink.

You can alter the amount of cayenne pepper or maple syrup to suit your tastes, but NEVER alter the amount of lemon juice.

And by the way, the more maple syrup you add, the more calories you consume, so the more energy you will have.

Maple syrup is your only source of calories on the fast, so if you feel like you need more energy, up the maple syrup levels.

I've done the lemon detox a few times and had great results.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Lemon Detox Diet Program Recipe

Total body cleansing has been all around for quite some time. Individuals have been looking for methods that will cleanse out their insides and retain them outdoors of the doctor’s office at the identical time. There have been a total bunch of different diet regime fads that have come and gone but now there is one particular that genuinely functions. The diet is called the Lemon Detox Diet program. The lemon detox diet plan has worked efficiently for both celebrities and normal folks alike. Let’s get a glimpse at the elements that make up the lemon detox diet recipe.

How To Make The Lemon Detox Diet regime Recipe

Creating the lemon detox diet program is amazingly effortless to do and is so affordable. You can set the whole factor jointly for a handful of bucks. You want to buy natural maple syrup, 1 lemon, cayenne paper, and some water. You can use bottled h2o or tap water. Tap drinking water will work just great for the finances aware.

Pour four ounces of drinking h2o into a glass. Next, get your lemon and minimize it in 50 %. Get rid of all of the seeds and the pulp. Squeeze one half of the lemon juice immediately into the glass. This should equal out to about two tablespoons of lemon juice. Now get out the maple syrup and pour two tablespoons well worth of maple syrup into the glass. Take just a pinch of cayenne pepper and add it to the mixture. Stir it effectively. Add four added ounces of drinking drinking water and stir once more. Now you are done!

How To Use The Lemon Detox Diet Recipe

The lemon detox diet regime recipe is that easy to make. All you have to do is drink this recipe 7 to eight instances a day. You want to be confident to drink at minimum sixty ounces of the lemon detox consume every single day. This will replace the require to try to eat a bunch of distinct meals for the duration of the day. In order to maximize bodyweight reduction, you can remain on the diet program for up to two weeks. The lemon detox diet program can result in an effortless loss of ten to twenty lbs.

Be positive to only use the lemon detox diet recipe on a brief phrase basis. It’s best to remain on the diet regime for no a lot more than two weeks. When coming off of the diet regime, slowly begin to add fruits and greens back into your everyday diet program.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lemon Detox Diet | Body Detox

The body detox diet, Lemon Detox Diet, has invariably huge traction in Australia and therefore the u. s.. Stars like Beyonce Knowles have said that the Lemon Detox Diet has helped them lose weight. This reached promoting and sales frenzy caused record levels. actually in Australia and New Zealand, Lemon Detox provides ran dry for some months! 

The lemon detox diet works on the idea that drink lemon helps the body to rid itself of poisons and toxins from the food we tend to eat and therefore the toxic of surroundings we tend to live at. The Lemon Detox claim that these 3 toxins created us feeling lethargic and tired. additional concerning the body is a smaller amount possible to lose weight if they solely show the slow progress.

The lemon detox diet consists of the subsequent components:

  • Madal Bal natural tree syrup
    This forms the idea of the lemon detox diet. The Madal Bal natural tree syrup may be a mixture of natives South Asian and Canadian grade C maple syrup. the mix of the 2 elements are to extend energy levels throughout the cleaning
  • Lemon Juice
    Lemons are high in vitamin C. Further, lemons employed in ancient drugs for its sturdy medical profit. Lemons conjointly facilitate to breakdown mucus within the body.
  • Cayenne peppers
    The lemon detox claim, Cayenne Pepper helps increase metabolic rate. They conjointly say that it will increase the circulation to the body. It conjointly helps break phlegm within the body.
  • Pure water
    Water is perhaps the most effective detoxifier of all! Water helps carry the ingredients through the body and take away the toxins.

While the Lemon Detox Diet has been very fashionable, ought to be the question of whether or not the lemon detox diet will increase effective in promoting long-term weight loss. although short-term weight loss are going to be created by making an oversized calorie deficit, the lemon detox don't seem to be created behavioral shift, to lasting weight loss. additionally, there aren't any empirical studies indicating that Madal Bal syrup or Cayanne Pepper truly will increase metabolism. 

The lemon detox diet provides a smart body detox that ends up in speedy weight loss. However, if the detoxification amount is over, and therefore the dieter returns to their traditional diet, then the burden can most likely be back on.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Is the Lemon Detox Diet Effective?

Yes! A lemon detox diet IS effective for both cleansing and weight loss.

Here's the idea:

Consuming anything sour makes the liver and gallbladder purge stored toxins. The liver is especially important for weight loss and overall health. When the liver is filled with toxins, it cannot do its critical tasks in metabolizing fat. So that is why it is essential to keep your liver in top working condition.

In a lemon detox diet, you use the juice of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water in the morning. The morning is when our bodies are in a natural cleansing phase, so it is a good time to consume cleansing foods and juices.

Then, you also use either fresh lemon juice or a slice of a lemon in water that you drink throughout the day. In the lemon detox diet, water is a key component. You should drink at least 64 ounces a day.

Lemon juice provides an added benefit: it also supplies the body with a good dose of vitamin C.

But don't use lemon juice as your sole method of cleansing or weight loss.

Although a lemon detox diet is beneficial, it will not be as effective as a more thorough detox. You will lose more weight and gain more energy by going through a more thorough detox.

In a more thorough detox, you will consume vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs that are known for their cleansing and fat-burning abilities. Fresh lemon juice is a part of a more thorough detox diet.

But most detox diets (such as Ann Louise Gittleman's Fat Flush Diet) incorporate a detox period of at least two weeks.

This is too long!


Well, a detox requires that you deprive yourself of most of the things that you love. The longer that a diet requires you to deprive yourself, the lower the chance that you'll STICK with it.

The optimum period for a detox diet is one week. Most people can stick to a restricted diet for that long.

Article Source:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Helping Obese Men Lose Weight - Lemon Detox Diet

The idea that the reason why so many men today are obese is because they are lazy and have no willpower is absurd. How did we go in one generation from most people having willpower to a large portion of the population lacking it? The truth is we didn't and it is the type of foods that we eat and the effect it has on our metabolism that has changed.

For many obese men it seems as if the drastic and expensive measure of gastric bypass surgery is the best option. It is important to remember that this is a risky procedure and it is not always successful and should only be contemplated after all other measures have failed.

It is a common belief that obese men eat a diet of unsuitable food and this can be true for some of them. However, for many the actual food they eat is quite healthy but their portion sizes are too large. Men tend to have less education in food and nutrition than women and so are more prone to follow trends rather than make decisions based on solid knowledge. Obese men will often eat and drink special diet meals and drinks and these do nothing to help them lose weight and in fact may be contributing to their weight problem.

To start losing weight you need to get your internal system working efficiently again. A good start is to go on a detoxifying programme. It is wise to cut out diet drinks and alcohol and to cut down on tea and coffee. To help your kidneys and liver do their job as detoxifying organs efficiently you will need to increase the amount of water you drink. Avoid carbonated water and opt for filtered water over tap water. Tap water has a large amount of chemicals in it and your aim should be to eliminate toxins from your body.

There are a variety of detox programmes to choose from. The lemon detox diet has become popular and is used by many celebrities. It is important to remember that on this diet you are living on lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water for ten days and so all of your calories are coming from sugar. Sugar is the most common cause of obesity as high blood sugar levels cause your body to become insulin resistant which causes your body to store fat instead of burning it. So by feeding your body nothing but sugar you will not be addressing this imbalance. Although many people will lose weight quite rapidly on the lemon detox diet most will put it back on again and some.

Another popular diet is the hormone diet which starts with a detoxifying stage. The difference is that this diet is designed to bring your hormones, including insulin, into balance and the detox stage is followed by a stage specifically designed for each participant. This introduces the participant to eating healthy foods which will bring their hormones and blood sugar in balance and so treat the underlying cause of obesity.

If you use a detoxifying programme that doesn't have a follow-up diet you will nevertheless want to start afresh with a healthy diet. Start introducing foods gradually eating mostly fruit, vegetables and a small amount of brown rice. If you do this for a week you will notice a difference to how you feel. Then start introducing meals in the way that you mean to carry on. For long-term results this really means for the rest of your life. Remove any white refined foods from your pantry so that you avoid white pasta, white rice and cereals which contain a lot of sugar. Eat meals which are made up of vegetables in a variety of colours accompanied by a small amount of fish or high quality meat.

It is a wise idea to consult a nutritionist to assist you to plan your meals. It is possible eat healthy, satisfying and delicious meals and doing so will really improve your chances of succeeding at long-term weight loss.

Another important aspect of successful weight loss is to break unhelpful habits and associations and create new helpful ones. Always eat your meals at the table, read a book instead of watching TV and get into the habit of regular exercise. Before you know it you will no longer be classed as an obese man and will feel healthier, happier and more energetic.

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